ISO/IEC TR 29158 (AIM DPM-1-2006) takes the intensity with the minimum total of dispersed intensities of black cells and white cells in the symbol as the threshold value.The average intensity of black cells and that of white cells in the graph above are derived with a set threshold value and used for evaluation of cell contrast and the like.
Aim Dpm 1 2006 Pdf Download
ISO/IEC TR 29158 (AIM DPM-1-2006) is a 2D code quality verification standard designed for verifying the image quality of QR code symbols and DataMatrix symbols printed directly on products using direct part marking techniques (also known as DPM).
ISO/IEC TR 29158 (AIM DPM-1-2006), a DPM 2D code quality verification standard is used for this purpose. Employing this standard allows image specification management items to be shared comprehensively without spending time and effort reaching agreement on individual specifications.
Labels of grades for all tuple elements returnedwhen calling get_data_code_2d_resultsget_data_code_2d_resultsGetDataCode2dResultsget_data_code_2d_resultsGetDataCode2dResultsGetDataCode2dResults with'quality_isoiec_tr_29158'"quality_isoiec_tr_29158""quality_isoiec_tr_29158""quality_isoiec_tr_29158""quality_isoiec_tr_29158""quality_isoiec_tr_29158" or'quality_aimdpm_1_2006'"quality_aimdpm_1_2006""quality_aimdpm_1_2006""quality_aimdpm_1_2006""quality_aimdpm_1_2006""quality_aimdpm_1_2006".
The definition of the respective elements is as follows: Theoverall quality is the minimum of all individual grades.The contrast is the range between the minimal and themaximal pixel intensity in the data code domain, and a strongcontrast results in a good grading. The modulationindicates how strong the amplitudes of the data code modules are.Big amplitudes make the assignment of the modules to black orwhite more certain, resulting in a high modulation grade. It is tonote that the computation of the modulation grade is influenced bythe specific level of error correction capacity, meaning that themodulation degrades less for codes with higher error correctioncapacity. The contrast uniformity is the minimum modulation value foundin any module. This value is no grade, therefore, it can have real values. It does not affect the overall quality. According to ISO/IEC15415, the print growth is no grade andis therefore not used for calculating the overall quality.Instead, it can be used as an additional information to find out,if the graphical features comprising the symbol have notshrunk or grown from their nominal size. This means that theprint growth gives some indication to which extent the darkand light modules fill out their module boundaries.The calculation of the print growth does not follow the scheme asspecified by ISO/IEC 15415, but instead it considers thespecifications as stated by the ISO/IEC standard of the 2D data codeto be examined. This means that the computation of theprint growth for Aztec Codes is implemented asdescribed in ISO/IEC 24778:2008. For ECC 200 thecorresponding standard is ANSI/AIM International Specification DataMatrix and for QR Codes as well as forMicro QR Codes the implementation follows ISO/IEC 18004:2006.For all 2D data codes described above, the print growth iscalculated in horizontal and vertical direction. The reported grade isthe lower rated of the pair.
Tuple with intermediate results that are determined duringthe assessment of print quality for ECC 200 codes incompliance with the international standard ISO/IEC 15415:2011and ISO/IEC 16022:2006. Using these values requires athorough understanding of the underlying algorithms, and westrongly recommend to read ISO/IEC 15415:2011 and ISO/IEC16022:2006 along with this documentation.
'L1' and 'L2': The grades of thevertical and horizontal portions of the outside L of thefixed pattern as defined in Chapter M.1.2, ISO/IEC16022:2006. The corresponding number of damaged modulesis returned as value.
'QZL1' and 'QZL2': The grades ofthe vertical and horizontal portions of the quiet zoneadjacent to L1 and L2, respectively (see Chapter M.1.2,ISO/IEC 16022:2006). The corresponding number of damagedmodules is returned as value.
'Transition Ratio': The grade for thetransition ratio test described in Chapter M.1.3 b),ISO/IEC 16022:2006. The transition ratio TR is returnedas value. It measures the ratio between the number oftransitions on the clock track and the associated solidarea.
'Clock track regularity': The grade for theclock track regularity test as described in Chapter M.1.3e), ISO/IEC 16022:2006. If for any group of five adjacentmodules more than two modules are considered as errors,this grade is 0, otherwise its 4. There is nocorresponding value.
'Average grade': The average grade for thefor the fixed pattern. It is based on the grades for theL1, L2, QZL1, QZL2, and the overall grade for the clocktrack and adjacent solid pattern (see Chapter M.1.4,ISO/IEC 16022:2006). There is no corresponding value.
The grade for fixed pattern damage for the symbol isgiven by the minimum of the grades for 'L1','L2', 'QZL1', 'QZL2','Clock track and adjacent solid pattern' and'Average grade' (see Chapter M1.4, ISO/IEC16022:2006).
If the symbol size is , thetuple size is as the 4 quiet zones are included. The tuple is sorted row by row,where the first row is the upper quiet zone and the last row is thebottom one (or QZL2 as described in ISO/IEC 16022:2006 Annex M.1.2,Figure M.1).
Similar to'quality_isoiec15415_reflectance_margin_module_grades'"quality_isoiec15415_reflectance_margin_module_grades""quality_isoiec15415_reflectance_margin_module_grades""quality_isoiec15415_reflectance_margin_module_grades""quality_isoiec15415_reflectance_margin_module_grades""quality_isoiec15415_reflectance_margin_module_grades" but incompliance with the ISO/IEC TR 29158 (AIM DPM-1-2006) print qualitystandard.
Similar to 'quality_isoiec15415_rows'"quality_isoiec15415_rows""quality_isoiec15415_rows""quality_isoiec15415_rows""quality_isoiec15415_rows""quality_isoiec15415_rows" but related to'quality_isoiec_tr_29158_reflectance_margin_module_grades'"quality_isoiec_tr_29158_reflectance_margin_module_grades""quality_isoiec_tr_29158_reflectance_margin_module_grades""quality_isoiec_tr_29158_reflectance_margin_module_grades""quality_isoiec_tr_29158_reflectance_margin_module_grades""quality_isoiec_tr_29158_reflectance_margin_module_grades"and 'quality_aimdpm_1_2006_reflectance_margin_module_grades'"quality_aimdpm_1_2006_reflectance_margin_module_grades""quality_aimdpm_1_2006_reflectance_margin_module_grades""quality_aimdpm_1_2006_reflectance_margin_module_grades""quality_aimdpm_1_2006_reflectance_margin_module_grades""quality_aimdpm_1_2006_reflectance_margin_module_grades".
Similar to 'quality_isoiec15415_cols'"quality_isoiec15415_cols""quality_isoiec15415_cols""quality_isoiec15415_cols""quality_isoiec15415_cols""quality_isoiec15415_cols" but related to'quality_isoiec_tr_29158_reflectance_margin_module_grades'"quality_isoiec_tr_29158_reflectance_margin_module_grades""quality_isoiec_tr_29158_reflectance_margin_module_grades""quality_isoiec_tr_29158_reflectance_margin_module_grades""quality_isoiec_tr_29158_reflectance_margin_module_grades""quality_isoiec_tr_29158_reflectance_margin_module_grades"and 'quality_aimdpm_1_2006_reflectance_margin_module_grades'"quality_aimdpm_1_2006_reflectance_margin_module_grades""quality_aimdpm_1_2006_reflectance_margin_module_grades""quality_aimdpm_1_2006_reflectance_margin_module_grades""quality_aimdpm_1_2006_reflectance_margin_module_grades""quality_aimdpm_1_2006_reflectance_margin_module_grades".
Tuple with the assessment of print quality in compliance withISO/IEC TR 29158. This standard was previously established by theAutomatic Identification Manufacturers as AIM DPM-1-2006.ISO/IEC TR 29158 is an extension to ISO/IEC 15415 standard, whichdefines certain requirements for the gray-scale properties of thedata code image and in doing so improves the reproducibility of thegrading results among different vendors.
It is very important to note that an ISO/IEC TR 29158 (AIM DPM-1-2006)standard conforming print quality assessment requires interactiveimage acquisition! No images of a data code symbol should be regardedif there is no information for the camera-lighting setup used toacquire these images. In most cases this implies that the user shouldset up and use her/his own camera-lighting configuration. Refer toISO/IEC TR 29158 (AIM DPM-1-2006) for some prescribed camera-lightingconfigurations andgeneral configuration principles that are relevant for the standard.Note also that, even though the implementation is strictlybased on the standard, the computation of the print qualitygrades depends on the decoding algorithm used. Thus, theprint quality inspection results are relevant only for the2D data code reader implemented with HALCON.
Calling get_data_code_2d_resultsget_data_code_2d_resultsGetDataCode2dResultsget_data_code_2d_resultsGetDataCode2dResultsGetDataCode2dResults with argument'quality_isoiec_tr_29158'"quality_isoiec_tr_29158""quality_isoiec_tr_29158""quality_isoiec_tr_29158""quality_isoiec_tr_29158""quality_isoiec_tr_29158" or 'quality_aimdpm_1_2006'"quality_aimdpm_1_2006""quality_aimdpm_1_2006""quality_aimdpm_1_2006""quality_aimdpm_1_2006""quality_aimdpm_1_2006"assumes that the image being processed fulfills the two criteriaexplained in detail below. The returned tuple represents the 13 printquality elements: [overall quality, cell contrast, cell modulation,fixed pattern damage, decode, axial nonuniformity, gridnonuniformity, unused error correction, meanlight, reflectance margin, print growth, contrast uniformity,aperture]. The first eight as well as the last four gradeshave the same meaning as the ISO/IEC 15415 grades with twoexceptions: contrast and modulation arerenamed to cell contrast and cell modulation, respectively, to reflect differences in themethods specified with both standards for estimating thosevalues. The value of mean light is not a gradespecified with ISO/IEC TR 29158 (AIM DPM-1-2006) standard. It is anestimationfor the quality of the processed image computed as the meangray-scale value of the centers of the light data codemodules. It is a value between 0.0 and 1.0, corresponding to0% to 100% of the maximum gray-scale value (255 for byteimages). 2ff7e9595c