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Stung Download


Learn about venomous snakes, spiders, aquatic creatures, jellyfish and creepy crawlies, including maps of where they are usually found in the wild, how to avoid an encounter and the correct first aid to apply if bitten or stung.

Stung download

This information on bumblebee stings provides guidance for reducing the chance of being stung by a bumblebee and about the possible reaction to a sting and treatment. Download the poster version of Bumblebee stings and allergies through the link below.

Bumblebees rarely sting. The chance of being stung by a bumblebee can be reduced by avoiding provoking them or making them aggressive. First of all, it is important to be calm when working with bumblebees. Do not wave your arms at the bumblebees, bump the hive, touch or hold the bumblebees, etc.

Usually medical treatment is not necessary. Some measures can be taken to minimize the local reaction, in particular if the person was stung in a sensitive location, such as near the eyes. As soon as possible after being stung, the person should take an anti-inflammatory (such as aspirin or ibuprofen). Cold compresses should also be applied to the site. In addition, a number of anti-itch ointments are available (e.g. containing diethyl-m-toluamide). In the rare case of a sting in the mouth or pharynx, the patient should be taken to hospital immediately, because this can result in blocked airways. At the hospital, the patient will be given corticosteroids (such as prednisone) and will be kept for observation.

Toxic reactions only occur when the victim is stung dozens of times in a brief period. General allergic reactions can occur in the nervous or circulatory system, such as cardiac arrhythmia or difficulties with breathing. In this case as well, the victim should be taken to hospital for treatment and observation.

If you have had an allergic reaction once, you will not necessarily have an allergic reaction to the next sting. If you had a level 1 or 2 reaction in particular, the chance is small. Reactions to bumblebee stings may differ in each case. These days it is possible to take a test using purified bumblebee venom to determine whether you will have an allergic reaction the next time you are stung. It is also possible to use the purified venom for a hyposensitization treatment. Immunotherapy with honeybee venom does not necessarily protect patients with bumblebee allergy. This treatment is intended to desensitize the body to bumblebee venom. If you do not wish to undergo hyposensitization treatment, you can obtain a prescription for an adrenaline auto-injector (such as an EpiPen or Jext) from your doctor. This can be carried with you and is used to inject epinephrine into the thigh in the case of a sting. Tests and treatments are available at the Allergology department of the RdGG (Dr de Groot) at the Diakonessehuis location in Voorburg.

A printed poster showing the images is available from Koppert. This poster is also available as a download (URL). Tip: Add the contact information for seeking medical assistance and emergency medical treatment on the poster.

Back in 2000, when I was discovering the delights of the internet for the first time, I was downloading everything in sight. From "official" downloads to stuff that was downright suspicious, I was downloading and installing with reckless abandon.

MajorGeeks seemingly has a good reputation for downloading, but they still host crapware (or "ad-supported" as they call it). Credit where it's due; they do tell you on the page. But it is very easy to overlook.

Now let's take a look at some ways to avoid accidentally installing malware. Because you can be as careful as possible with where you download from, but accidents still happen. Chris did an excellent writeup on this subject back in 2013, so I am not going to dwell too much on this. I'll just summarize some of the important parts, and then you can jump over to Chris' article.

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This is something I highly recommend if you are in the habit of downloading a lot of stuff. A sandbox enables you to run software, and it "quarantines" it from the rest of your computer. So if there is a problem with it, it won't spread and you can easily get rid of it.

Although the argument has been made in the past that virus checkers are not necessary if you are careful, it is plain from what we have just talked about, that virus checkers are needed now more than ever. Cybercriminals are packaging up their viruses and malware into innocent-looking freeware apps, and sending them out into the world to see who will download and install them. Then suddenly your credit card number is stolen, your identity is "borrowed", and your computer is suddenly part of Skynet.

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If an image is displaying, you can download it yourself. (Some images display only as thumbnails outside the Library of Congress because of rights considerations, but you have access to larger size images on site.)

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